My Project Website


What I did

In these lessons, I first implemented Assignment 12 which I had already made in TinkerCAD and is shown below.

The code is found here

Then in the next lesson, I was handed an ultrasonic distance sensor. However, I did not take a video of the result and thus only the coding is showed here.

I modified Assignment 12 and coded the Ultrasonic distance sensor so that when it detects if something is within 10 to 30cm away from the sensor that I can press the button and it will run Assignment 12.

After that, I implemented the same circuit but with an LM34 instead of an ultrasonic distance sensor. Both the video of it and the coding is shown below.

For this, I had also modified Assignment 12 so that when the temperature is below 27 degrees celcius, then it will run Assignment 12 but without the use of the pushbutton.