My Project Website

What I Did

What I did

As soon as I got news of this project, I started thinking of what I wanted to make. I initially thought of a music box that automatically plays as you open it but then changed my mind to make a launchpad. The inspiration for that is this. Before I could start this project, the class was instructed to make a proposal on what we wanted to make and this was extremely important as this allowed me to know what I was supposed to make and made sure I stayed on track.

The proposal is here

After the project was approved, I started designing what I wanted to make on paper.


After several attempts at trying to make the design's coding work, which can be found here, I ultimately decided to remove the button that allows me to toggle between pages as the coding for it was to complicated for me to code. I then designed the box and other parts of it to be made later on in 3D Printing or Lazer Cutting.

I then 3D printed out the platform, keypad holder and keys, whose process can be found here, and lazer cut the casing to hold the parts in, whose process can be found here. I then aseembled the project together.

I screwed in the speakers and the keypad holder in place.

adding speakers

adding keypad

I then secured the platforms down with some hot glue.

adding speakers

In the end after some trial and error, I finally glued the casing together and this is the finished product.

finish front


Extra stuff

Presentation Slide

Presentation Video

Ownership Card