My Project Website

Electronics Design

What I learnt

In this class, I learnt how to design my own PCB board. This class required the use of EAGLE and I had to download it. I was tasked to design a t45 hello board and had to design the schematic as shown.


Then I had to arrange the components on the board and connect them together. I had to also decide on the size of the board outline.

board design

After I had done that, I was then able to go onto mods and generate the gcode for the board traces and outline. I then was able to cut out the board.

cutting board out

After cutting it, I realised that one of the trace lines was too close to the edge and sure enough, it was eventually scraped off on accident and I then had to solder a wire to reconnect them when I was soldering the components onto the board. This is the finished product.


I was then able to program the board using the ISP programmer, the process is found here