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Electronics Production

What I learnt

In this class, I learnt how to make an ISP programmer. This was my first time doing something like this and I was pretty confused on what to do. First, I had to download a few files to install the Windows toolchain. This step was relatively easy although I did make a few mistakes such as downloading the file into the wrong location. Then, I had to download the traces and outline png files from here to make a gcode. I had to go onto mods and find the program to make the gcode and this was where I first got stuck. I did not know which program I had to use and had to ask my classmates where it was.



After making the gcodes for the traces and outline, I could then cut them out. This was where I messed up again. The first attempt I did on cutting it out, the mill got stuck while cutting the outline and I had to abort the process as the coorinates where already wrong and I did not know how to fix it. Then on the second attempt, one of the pads was cut off as the v-bit was to large and so I had to redo it again. In the last attempt, I used a 10 degree v-bit instead of a 20 degree v-bit and this time the process went smoothly.


I then went on to solder the components onto the board. I also made a few mistakes here too. I had soldered the zener diode in the wrong direction and had to resolder it, and did not solder the solder jumper. I also forgot to put solder flux on 2 of the USB contacts so now they are not as flat as I would have liked them. However I did learn that I had very shaky hands that made soldering quite time consuming for me, it had taken several tries to just get a component into the position I wanted them to be. The finished product is shown below/

ISP programmer


The wire used to connect the programmer and other boards need to have the wire on the side with the triangle to coincide with the one on the other side. I then had to use the lecturer's ISP programmer to program my ISP programmer. I had some issues here as I initially did not know that I was supposed to use another ISP programmer to program it. Though I did complete it in the end.

Overall, this lesson was pretty interesting and was pretty fun to do, I learnt a lot from it.