My Project Website


What I did

I had to design was the PCB for my project. so first, I made the schematic for the board. I found the circuit that I wanted to use online, found. In the design, A 2N2222 transistor was used for the circuit, but the lecturer advised me to use an N-MOSFET instead. I then designed the schematic needed in EAGLE.


Then I made the board design for it.


I then milled out the board, removed the excess copper and soldered the components on it. Unfortunately, i had accidentally scraped off a small part of the circuit when removing the excess copper and had to solder a wire on to reconnect it.


I then soldered on the motor, potentiometer and the DC port on. I faced an issue when soldering that the wire kept coming off. Later, after consulting the lecturers, I found that I was using the wrong wires. I was supposed to use multi-strand wires as they were more flexible but I was using single-strand wires. Single-strand wires are less flexible and kept breaking lose of the solder after soldering it on.

The finished product is this.
